First order of business: We got in a couple of absolutely gorgeous marbled linens for your primitive cross-stitch projects the other day! Hope you'll pop in at Hannah's and check them out.
We pretty much have two seasons here in central Oregon: Summer and winter. No in-betweens. Nowhere near enough of my personal favorite seasons, autumn and spring (in that order). We can go from 90-degree days straight into a 40-degree daytime high with snow falling that night. We have lived in Bend for 18 years now. You'd think I would be used to it by now. Well, maybe I am, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. But it is what it is. We're fortunate that hubby has a good job with the county here, and even though he's been on reduced hours for 2-1/2 years now (he's a building inspector), at least we have good insurance. And with all my autoimmune diseases, we need it. My weekly injections and my infusion every 6 weeks would be impossible for us to afford without the insurance we have. Even our share of the bills for my doctor visits, drugs, and chemo infusions costs us, well, more than we can really afford right now. But I digress.
Our boys both live back in the valley, in Portland and Vancouver respectively. I was born in Portland. And having our two sons, both in their 20s, living in that area makes me all the more anxious to someday return to my "homeland." As does all this snow. Oh, I don't mind the snow if I don't have to be out in it, which I don't very often. Maybe once a week or so. But the winters and summers here deprive us of autumn and spring. And that gets old. The Willamette valley has rain, yes, but it also has seasons. Not just two of them; all four.
Anyway, I had no idea where I was going when I started to post. I just stopped in to tell you all about the new linen we just listed. Forgive my rants; guess I needed to "unload" a bit. The snow does it to me. That, and not having enough coffee in me yet.
Our boys are coming home for Thanksgiving (weather and road conditions permitting, of course. *Sigh*), and I always look forward to having my family together again, even for just a few days. I enjoy our boys so much, and I love to feed them. They seem to enjoy being fed, too! ;-) They are starving college students, after all.
May all your seasons be distinguishable, and may your loved ones be safe, sound, and with you, at least in spirit, for the holidays.
Bright blessings and a safe, warm, happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Lizzie Lisle Marries a Civil War Veteran
*Collection of the National Museum of American History*
Quilt attributed to Lizzie Lisle (1836-1913), donated by
Lizzie's grand-niece Lois Marmon Flanner...
4 days ago